3Rd Place Medal


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🥉 3Rd Place Medal meaning

The 🥉 Third (3rd) Place Medal is shown as a tri-colored strap with white, blue, and red stripes that is attached to a bronze disc with the number "3" inscribed on it. The 🥉 Third Place Medal emoji denotes placing third or taking home the bronze medal in a contest.

The Third Place Medal was approved as a part of Unicode 9.0 in 2016 and in the same year added to Emoji 3.0 as an award-medal emoji under the Activities category. The Third Place Medal emoji was proposed by Hiroyuki Komatsu.

When and How to Use the 🥉 Third Place Medal Emoji?

  • If you are a devoted sports fan and you routinely share the most recent news, you may utilize the 🥉 Third Place Medal emoji when mentioning who took home the bronze in a match you watched.
  • Additionally, you can employ the 🥉 Third Place Medal emoji while publishing or reposting inspirational sayings, heartwarming content, upbeat videos, or anything else that has to do with contests. “You have restored some pride by earning a 🥉 because I believe that without this, gold will be a remotest possibility.”
  • In addition to being utilized in relation to sports, 🥉can also have metaphorical or philosophical meanings. E.g., “For me, earning a bronze medal equates to failing, but for you, it's a step toward silver and gold.” OR “Although being golden isn't always necessary to shine, sometimes your brilliance is reflected by 🥉.”
  • Finally, when posting images of a competition in which you competed and won the bronze, utilize 🥉. You, a loved one, or anybody else you personally know could be the victim.

Other Names of 3Rd Place Medal

The alternative names of 🥉 3Rd Place Medal emoji are Award, Bronze, Bronze Medal, Medal, Medallion, Third Place, Third Prize.

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