

Click above button to copy-paste Copyright emoji.



© Copyright meaning

The ©️ Copyright emoji consists of a dark-grey capital “C” enclosed in a similar-colored circle. The ©️ Copyright emoji symbolizes the trademark used to indicate the owner of the intellectual property. It denotes the act of legally duplicating or copying anything.

Copyright was endorsed as a part of Unicode 1.1 in 1993 under the “Copyright Sign” name and then included in Emoji 1.0 in 2015 as an other-symbol emoji under the Symbols category. The ©️ Copyright Emoji was proposed by Mark Davis, Kat Momoi, Darick Tong, Markus Scherer (Google Inc.), Yasuo Kida, and Peter Edberg (Apple Inc.).

When and how to use the ©️ Copyright Emoji?

  • When referring to anything that is genuine, you could use the ©️; either in relation to something you posted, a caption or quote, or even something you or another individual stated in a text.
  • Some of the examples of the previous points are – “In the world of mirrors, be unique ©️.” OR “Um! As far as I can recall these were the exact words you used ©️.
  • If you are owning intellectual property such as memes, videos, spoken or written content, etc. – and you permit your users to use it in their own contexts, you may add ©️ to the caption of your post to show that you are giving permission.
  • ©️ could also be represented, both metaphorically and literally, as “legal permission
  • In essence, copyright gives the legal right to the owner to duplicate his or her own work. Therefore, you can use it if you are posting or reposting anything that is protected by copyright on your social network account or sharing it via a DM (Direct Message).

Other Names of Copyright

The alternative names of © Copyright emoji are Copyright Mark, Intellectual Property, Legal Ownership, Legal Rights, Patent, Trade Secret, and C symbol.

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