White Exclamation Mark

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White Exclamation Mark meaning

The ❕ White Exclamation Mark emoji is actually a ❗Red Exclamation Mark designed in white. It aims to convey a similar emotion as the ❗Red Exclamation Mark but with lesser intensity, representing a moderate level of excitement. Just like the ❔ White Question Mark, the ❕ White Exclamation Mark also symbolizes blending in. This emoji can be used in texts referring to something mundane or ordinary, adding a touch of subtle excitement.

Endorsed as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 under the name "White Exclamation Mark Ornament" and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015 as a punctuation emoji under the Symbols category, the ❕ White Exclamation Mark was proposed by Mark Davis, Darick Tong, Markus Scherer, Kat Momoi (Google Inc.), Yasuo Kida, and Peter Edberg (Apple Inc.).

When and How to Use the ❕ White Exclamation Mark Emoji?

Moderate Interest: When your friend or BFF shares something exciting that you've experienced multiple times and it doesn't evoke the same level of excitement, you can use the ❕ White Exclamation Mark to show your moderate interest. For example, "Oh, I've been there, and it's all talk and no walk ❕" (Not as thrilling as it seems).

Peaceful Expression: The ❕ emoji acts as a peace-maker, representing an emotion without being overly intense. For instance, "Aww! That was not needed at all ❕".

Light Conversations: Inject some excitement into a conversation with an acquaintance by using ❕. For example, "I know John Simpson very well. He can definitely help you out!"

Aesthetic Purposes: The ❕ emoji can also be used for decorative purposes, such as creating parallel lines, and borders, or adding an aesthetic touch to your text.

Experience the subtle excitement of the ❕ White Exclamation Mark emoji and enhance your messages with a touch of intrigue!

Other Names of White Exclamation Mark

The alternative names of White Exclamation Mark emoji are ❕ A White Screamer (subtle, however), ❕ Gasper in White, ❕ Startler, ❕ White Exclamation Mark Ornament, ❕ White Exclamation Symbol, ❕ White Slammer, ❕ White Pling, !, Outlined, Punctuation.

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