

Click above button to copy-paste Prohibited emoji.



🚫 Prohibited meaning

🚫 Prohibited is represented by a red, outlined circle with an oblique, slash, or diameter (which is again red) from the top to the bottom. It is also displayed in white color on some platforms. The 🚫 Prohibited emoji represents disallowance, rejection, removal, limitation, no entry, prohibition, and banning. If you are dealing with something that involves anything legal, you can use this emoji. Even though it is similar to ⛔ No Entry in usage, it would indicate a legitimate tangent to what is called ‘entry restriction.

Some of the similar emojis are 🔞 No One Under Eighteen,📵 No Mobile Phones, 🚷 No Pedestrians,🚱 Non-Potable Water, 🚯 No Littering, 🚭 No Smoking, 🚳 No Bicycles, ⛔ No Entry

In 2010, it got approval as a part of Unicode 6.0 under the ‘No Entry Sign’ name. It was introduced as a warning emoji in Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

When and how to use the 🚫 Prohibited emoji?

  • It is generally used when you want to convey a strict NO. “Drinking is not possible this weekend 🚫.”
  • When you enter a theatre, you quite often see the “smoking/cigarette 🚫”.
  • While entering a temple, you are prohibited 🚫 to put on shoes.
  • It is used to educate others about the bans imposed especially during the pandemic. “Do not go out in Navratri as it has been banned this year 🚫.”
  • Entry into the conference room is not allowed 🚫 because of a meeting.

Other Names of Prohibited

The alternative names of 🚫 Prohibited emoji are no entry, forbidden, no, not, prohibited, red circle crossed, circle backslash, banned, not allowed, restricted .

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